Prague Winter Photography


The snow seems long gone but I’m glad I had enough determination this winter to wake up before dawn one morning and push my reluctant body out of my warm and cosy sheets to confront the freezing wind on Charles Bridge and maybe even worse for me a small crowd of (mainly male) photographers who had had the same idea as me.

As I always do in this situation, I decided to focus on the parts of the landscape which were ignored by the others and tried to isolate myself in my small bubble, which is hard when you are surrounded by tripods and clicking cameras!
The result was worth it I guess, all the more when thinking that climate change definitely took its tall on the capital of Bohemia too where it snows less and less each winter…


One thought on “Prague Winter Photography

  1. Family photo shoot
    I will have to confirm dates but it would be around 2nd Jan
    2 adults and 3 adult children
    I can send u through ideas I have

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